Le LPS a le plaisir d’accueillir le Pr Andrei Cimpian (NYU) en tant que chercheur invité du 25 mars eu 8 mai.

Le Pr Andrei Cimpian (New York University, https://as.nyu.edu/faculty/andrei-cimpian.html) donnera une conférence le lundi 22 avril à 17h30 dans le cadre des SILABO, intitulée “TheBrillance Barrier: Stereotypes about Brillance Are an Obstacle to Diversity in Science and Beyond”. 

Résumé: I propose that a field’s diversity is affected by what its members believe is required for success: Fields that value exceptional intellectual talent above all else may inadvertently obstruct the participation of women and (some) racial/ethnic minority groups. The environment in these fields may be less welcoming to women and minority groups because of the cultural stereotypes that associate intellectual talent — brilliance, genius, etc. — with (white) men. This proposal is supported by observational and experimental data from a wide range of fields in the sciences and the humanities, as well as by developmental data that reveal how early these stereotypes take hold.





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