Bureau n° 5026
Thèmes de recherche
Social Identity, Collective Memory, and Collective Future Thoughts: A Comparative Study of Indonesian and French National Identities
National identity, as part of social identity, is defined as the sense of belonging or identification to a country and the feeling of pride associated with this attachment. One of the factors linked to a person’s national identity is collective memories or memories shared by the people who identify to belong to the same national group. This research will compare the national identities of French and Indonesian participants – taking into account that the two countries differ in their cultural orientation. On the cultural dimension, France is more individualistic in contrast to Indonesia that is more collectivistic. Specifically, we will compare the emotional pride that participants from these two countries feel towards their country. We will also collect data on the collective memories that participants have of their country. We hypothesize that there will be a link between feelings of pride in one’s country and the collective memory. We expect participants from individualistic culture i.e., France to show less pride in their country than those from collectivistic culture i.e., Indonesia. Indonesian participants should also have more positive collective memories related to their country than the French. Further studies will investigate another variable related to pride and national identity, namely the future collective possible self or how they imagine their country in the future. The ultimate goal of this research is to develop a model of the dynamics of national identity across cultures.
Mots-clés: social identity, national identity, collective memory, culture
Contrats de recherche
Fonds de bourses d’études du gouvernement Indonésien
Journal articles
Saptandari, E. W., Shabarina, Z. R. N., & Priwati, A. R. (2022). Online psychoeducation in the COVID-19 pandemic situation: an effort to improve mental health. Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang, 7 (1), 38-53. https://doi.org/10.26905/abdimas.v7i1.6348
Arista, R. Priwati, A., R. & Yunifa, P. (2021). The Sense of Community of Online Taxi Drivers. Psympathic: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 8 (2), 307-324. https://doi.org/10.15575/psy.v8i2.7388
Priwati, A. R., Putri, A. K., Puri, V. G., Ayuningtya, A. A., Minza, W. M., & Yuniarti, K. W. (2021). Multiculturalism as a Mediator of Ethnic Identity and National Identity among Javanese Adolescents. Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia, 25(1), 108-115. https://doi.org/10.7454/hubs.asia.1030521
Priwati, A., R. & Helmi, A., F. (2021). The manifestation of digital literacy in social media among Indonesian youth. Humanitas 18 (1). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26555/humanitas.v18i1.17337
Helmi, A., F. Widhiarso, W. Marvianto, R., D. Priwati, A., R. Mustari, A. & Artikasari, Y., V. (2020). The Fourth Dimensions of the Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model of Work Engagement in Indonesian Context. Jurnal Psikologi 47 (3). DOI: 10.22146/jpsi.56682
Helmi, A., F. Riasetiawan, M., Priwati, A., R. Rahma, I., R. Arlianto, Marvianto., R., D. & Shaleha, R., R. A. (2020). Hashtag War: 2019 Presidential Election Rhetoric in Indonesia. Humanitas 17 (2). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26555/humanitas.v17i2.17045
Helmi A., F. Widhiarso, W., Putri, A., K. Marvianto, R., D., & Priwati, A., R. (2019). A model of online trust among adolescents. International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/0.4018/IJCBPL.2019040103
Book Editor
Helmi, A., F. Rembulan, C., L. & Priwati, A., R. (2020). Riset-riset Cyberpsychology. Zahir Publishing
Book Chapters
Minza, W., M. Priwati, A., R. Hasanah, U. & Salma, F., N. (in press). “Unggah-ungguh Berbahasa dalam Menjaga Identitas Nasional: Perspektif Generasi Muda Jawa” (Language Cultural Manners on Maintaining National Identity: The Perspective of young Javanese). A chapter in Aku ini Orang Indonesia: Persilangan Generasi, Budaya dan Era Zaman (I am an Indonesian: Generations, Cultures and Eras of Ages). (p. 115-137). Jakarta: Kompas.
Priwati, A., R. & Rahman, E. (2022). Kreasi di Media Sosial a la Milenial (Creations on Social Media a la Millennials). A chapter in Dari Milenial tentang Milenial (From Millennials about Millennials). W. M. Minza and A. Febriani (Eds.) (p. 1-28). Yogyakarta: PT Kanisius.
Priwati, A., R. (2020). Pelampung di Derasnya Informasi (The buoy in the torrent of information). A chapter in Riset-Riset Cyberpsychology (Cyberpsychology Research). A. F. Helmi, C. L. Rembulan and A. R. Priwati (Eds.) (p. 22-31). Yogyakarta: Zahir Publishing.
Fadilla, A., F. Kamali, Y., & Priwati, A., R. (2017). Relational Model Theory, a chapter in Teori Psikologi Sosial Kontemporer. Depok: Raja Grafindo Persada.
Priwati, A., R. (2013). Promoting Happiness, Health and Quality of Life: The Role of Psychology, Technology and Environmental Sciences, a chapter International Conference of Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology. Langkawi: Universiti Malaysia Perlis
Asriani, D., A. Yulianti, K., Y. Priwati, A., R. Kirana, A., P. Darmawan, P. & Kusumaningtyas, A., P. (2021). Teenager-related Cyberbullying Case in Indonesia. Digitimes #35. Accessible through: https://cfds.fisipol.ugm.ac.id/2021/09/09/35-cfds-digitimes-teenager-related-cyberbullying-case-in-indonesia/
Conference | Contribution | Year |
International Conference of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, Yogyakarta | Oral Presenter | 2019 |
ASEAN Regional Union of Psychological Societies, Bali | Oral Presenter | 2017 |
International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama | Oral Presenter | 2016 |
Social Psychology Association National Scientific Meeting (Temu Ilmiah Nasional Ikatan Psikologi Sosial), Bandung | Oral Presenter | 2016 |
Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, Langkawi | Oral Presenter | 2012 |